How to prevent new coronavirus infection

To prevent new coronavirus infections, the following measures need to be taken:

How to prevent new coronavirus infection?

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Method / Step
Avoid going to outbreak areas.

Avoid going to crowded places. Avoid closed, airless public places and crowded places, especially children, the elderly, and people with low immunity Remember to wear a face mask when you go out.

Strengthen window opening ventilation. Every day at home, open windows to ventilate for a while. Strengthening air circulation can effectively prevent respiratory infectious diseases.

Pay attention to personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and wash your hands with soap and running water or disposable hand sanitizer. When sneezing or coughing, be careful to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or elbow, and don’t cover your nose and mouth with both hands.

Observe medical treatment in time. If you have fever (especially high fever), cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory tract infection symptoms, you should wear a mask in time and see a doctor in time.