Help children cope with stress during Coronavirus

During the coronavirus disease, many people will feel stressed, so will children. Bellow we will show you how to help children cope with stress during Coronavirus disease.

Help children cope with stress during Coronavirus
Help children cope with stress during Coronavirus

Children may respond to stress in various ways, such as stickiness, anxiety, withdrawal, anger or irritability, bedwetting, etc.

To understand children’s reactions, care about them, listen to their worries, and give extra care.

In difficult times, children need adult care. Pay more attention to them and spend more time with them.

Listen to your children patiently, and be happy and kind when talking to them, so that they can rest assured.

Try to create opportunities for children to play and relax.

Try to keep children together with parents and family members, and try not to separate children from caregivers. If you have to be separated (such as being hospitalized), you should make sure that you are in regular contact by phone or other means to reassure the child.

As much as possible, maintain daily habits and work schedules, or help develop new routines and work schedules in new environments, including determining time for class / learning and safe play and relaxation.

Tell what happened in popular language according to the age of the child, explain the current situation, and clearly tell them how to reduce the risk of infection.

They should also be told what may happen and be assured (for example, if family members and / or children start to feel unwell and may need to go to the hospital for a while, tell the child that the doctor will help relieve the condition)