How to disinfect the family to prevent coronavirus

Disinfection work is now a very important matter in various regions. Because the epidemic situation has become more and more serious recently, the degree of disinfection must also be improved. Many people are also prepared. So how to disinfect the family to prevent coronavirus?

How to disinfect the family to prevent coronavirus

1. Ventilation

As a home environment, it should maintain ventilation 2 to 3 times a day for at least 30 minutes each time. For residential areas with poor underground ventilation, you can use mechanical ventilation measures such as exhaust fans. If possible, use circulating air type air sterilizers such as plasma, electrostatic adsorption and ultraviolet for air disinfection.

2. Disinfection

If the ground is contaminated, you can use chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 250mg / L ~ 500mg / L) to mop for 30 minutes, then clean it with clean water.

For tableware and tea set, physical sterilization is preferred. Boil for 10 minutes, you should soak all sterilized items in water during boiling sterilization, and use high-temperature (infrared) lamp household sterilization box (cabinet) for sterilization. You can also use chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 250mg / L ~ 500mg / L) to soak for 30 minutes, and then rinse with clean water before use.

Boil towels, clothes, quilts, etc. for 10 minutes or soak with chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 250mg / L ~ 500mg / L) for 30 minutes. Rinse with clean water, and dry before use. (Note: Chlorine-containing disinfectant has a bleaching effect on the fabric).

3. Garbage Disposal

Garbage bins covered with plastic bags and cover should be set in the household. Place used paper towels, masks, etc. in the covered garbage bins, clean every day, and spray with 1000mg / L chlorine disinfectant for 30 minutes if necessary, Then tighten the the plastic bag and put it into the sorted trash can.

4. Personal Hygiene

In addition, pay attention to personal hygiene. First, wash your hands and wear medical masks or surgical masks when you go out. Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places, reduce conversations with others, and try to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter. When going to the farmer’s market, avoid contact with live birds as much as possible, do not buy, slaughter, or contact with wild animals.

Now you know how to disinfect the family to prevent coronavirus, let’s take immediate action.